Three Google My Business Hacks for Your Business in 2020

There are three Google My Business hack no one seems to be doing. By following these three Google My Business hacks regularly, you’ll see an increase in your traffic. You will also move up in the search rankings, and move ahead of your competitors.

Undoubtedly, Google My Business is one of the tools that can help you grow your business when it comes to gaining local traffic. In this post, we’re looking at three Google My Business hacks that most businesses don’t do when it comes to their GMB account. This is a massive opportunity for your business to get ahead. So take each tip and try it and practice it. Combine your website efforts and your Google My Business page, and see if you can improve your presence in the coming few weeks by trying these three things.

What’s the first Google My Business hack we’re going to look at?

Simple. The first Google My Business hack is to add more images that are relevant to your business. If you’ve set up your GMB page, you probably already added some images. You’ve uploaded your logo. You’ve added a couple of pictures of who you are and who your team is. You might have even added one or two of the areas where you work. Now add many, many more photos. Why?

Well, because photos also have their own search results. Of course, you know that there are website searches, but people also search for images. And those images can take people to your business, to your website or to your Google My Business page. The more photos you add, potentially the more traffic will come to your Google My Business listing.

Three Google My Business Hacks for Your Business in 2020, business growth strategiesAs a web design company, we’ve added images of sites we’ve built. We share pictures of customers that are happy with their websites. We show images of sites that look great on mobile and laptops. Even though they may be on our site, images bring another source of traffic our to Google My Business page. So why not try it?

If you’re an electrician, you would use this Google My Business hack by showing some wiring diagrams that you’ve used. Post pictures of happy customers. If you’re a plumber, show some of your work. Whatever your business, look back through some old photos, maybe of customers and clients, and upload them.

Our Second GMB hack is to post more often.

The second Google My Business hack is to post articles regularly. Maybe you’ve added a couple of products or services to your business. Now, post descriptions on your GMB page. You can add a link back to the appropriate page and get some Google love in the process.

Consider writing one or two articles each week that include some keywords. In the case of a chiropractor, write about chiropractics. Write about stretching, exercises, and things that can help with posture. When writing, think of a few keywords that are relevant to your town, too. By doing this consistently, it lets people know that you’re here. Those are your keywords. They show your relevancy. So when people talk about chiropractors in your area, they think about you.

By updating your posts regularly and adding a couple of images, you’re giving Google a lot of information about your website. Information about you shows you are a relevant business that’s looking for business, too. Most people only post once or twice, and they forget to ever post again. This Google My Business hack is to posts consistently.

The third Google My Business hack will really set you apart.

Most companies don’t have a virtual reality tour or 360-degree photo of their businesses. In the past, you’d have to have $1,000 in your pocket to do this. If you have a large company and want it done professionally, then $1,000 is well spent. It also officially tells Google that you exist.

On the other hand, if you haven’t got that type of budget, you can still use this Google My Business hack. Simply download an app from Google Street View, and in Street View, you can take a 360-degree of your office. Google will recognize your business because of your GPS. And you can upload it straight to your Google My Business account. The majority of GMB listings haven’t used a 360-degree image yet. Maybe in the future, a 360-degree image will become another factor that Google uses to put you above other businesses.

If you make the top three of your location and your business, then you will see a load of traffic come through from local customers inquiring about your business.

Hopefully, you take these three Google My Business hacks and run with them. The majority of people we’re doing digital marketing reviews for don’t seem to be doing these strategies. If you can do them, you will benefit your business during the rest of 2020.

If you’re ready to implement these Google My Business tips, but want more guidance, reach out to us. As a San Antonio digital marketing agency, we can help – even if you’re somewhere else.

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