How to Attract Your Ideal Customers and Find Clients Online

Suppose you have a great idea or maybe even a product to sell, but you don’t have any customers. In that case, we’re going to help you find where your ideal customers are hanging out online. I want to help you figure out where your ideal client is hanging out.

Like all business owners, you probably want more sales and more customers. And if you want that, we’re going to have to figure out where all of your ideal customers are.

It’s actually easier than you might think. Thanks to the internet, we have two excellent (and free) tools to show you that can help you figure out where they’re going to be. The good news is your ideal customers are being influenced by somebody else. While you might think that’s a bad thing, but it’s not because of these two tools. So let’s jump right in.

Four Steps to Attracting Your Ideal Customers

The first thing is to ask yourself a few simple questions. What kinds of books do your ideal customers read? What types of podcasts do they listen to? Who are your ideal customers following on Instagram and other social media platforms? Start by making that list, and then you can move right into step number two.

Step two is to take these two tools that I eluded to, Amazon, and iTunes. So what do I mean by that? Well, let’s take Amazon, for instance. Let’s say you know that all of your ideal clients read a specific book. Go to Amazon and search for that book. On the bottom of the page, you’ll see a list of suggested books. You’re going to see what other places your ideal customers are visiting, or other books that your customers are already reading. You figure out who they’re listening to, what books they’re reading, and this is the best place to do that.

Every time you search for a book inside Amazon, another maybe three or four book suggestions will pop up. Continue finding these influencers. You might have said in the beginning, “I don’t know who’s being influenced, who’s influencing the people that I want to influence.” Well, maybe it’s somebody that’s influenced you. Figure out what that name is, type it in and let’s see what other books pop up when you have these four suggested books. Go type in one of those books and see what the other recommended books are. Pretty soon, you’re going to have a handful of people that your tribe is already following.

Now you want to do the same thing on iTunes. Type in a podcast name that you love, or know your clients’ love. There’s going to be a suggested list of reading on the bottom. Continue to go down that rabbit hole and see who you find, and who else pops up. Now you have an extensive list of people to start searching.

Step number three is to find these people on social. Most authors and podcasters will be on social media. Figure out what your go-to platform is and see if they’re on it. Do they have a Facebook group? Do they have an Instagram page? Do they have YouTube videos? Figure it out. Start doing some digging, some appropriate stalking, and just see what you find and who you find because these are your ideal customers.

Four steps to attracting your ideal customersMoving to step number four is to connect and engage with them. You might see those people posting on Instagram or posting on their Facebook groups. Be a part of that. Be engaging with them, because these are your ideal customers, the people you want to serve. You are going to be able to set yourself up as that expert and share the knowledge that you have. Even if it’s only a comment or a reply in a Facebook group or something like that. Start looking for these people.

There you have it. These are your quick steps to finding out where your ideal customers hang out.

Related post: 5 Simple Ways to Get Clients Without Spending Money

Now, these steps might have been quick and easy, but this is going to take some time. I really want to make sure you understand how important each one of these steps is. Make sure you get them done so you can find your ideal customers and really start making the money you’re looking to make.

I hope this post helped give you some ideas for finding your ideal customers. Please leave us a comment below and tell us how these tips helped your business – or tell us some of your own tips.

When you’re ready to step it up, reach out to us so we can help you out!