What Does a Search Engine Optimization Consultant Actually Do?

What does a search engine optimization consultant actually do?

From the 30,000-foot view, the job of a search engine optimization consultant is to help your business get found online. What do they do, and what you should consider before hiring one? A search engine optimization consultant is anyone with a particular skill set in the digital marketing industry. At the most basic level, a…

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Market Your Website For Free When You Have No Money

Market your website for free when you have no money

Don’t you want to grow your business? Well, who doesn’t? The challenge is how hard it can be to grow your business and market it without a big marketing budget. Right? That’s completely false. You don’t have to have money to market your business. In this post, I’ll show you how to market your website…

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WIX versus WordPress versus Squarespace – which is best

WIX versus WordPress versus Squarespace - which is best?

WIX versus WordPress versus Squarespace… With so many platforms wade through, how can you know which ones are best for SEO? Which one should you use? WordPress is free, WIX costs money, Squarespace is also out there. There are so many choices. How do you know which one is the best to use when they’re…

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How Many Blog Posts Do You Need To Write Each Month

How Many Blog Posts Do You Need To Write Each Month

Everybody says that content marketing works. But does anyone ever tell you how much content you should be creating? In this post, we’re going to talk about how many blog posts you need to write each month. I have a question for you. How many blog posts do you create each month? Leave a comment…

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ADA Website Compliance Is Crucial To Your Business

ADA Website Compliance Is Crucial To Your Business

Recently, we’ve had a number of our clients asking us about ADA website compliance. Apparently, legal teams around the United States are preparing for lawsuits relating to ADA complaints. But let’s turn that into something somewhat more positive. What if I told you that your company could be reaching 12% more clients online with only…

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Why Your Marketing Plan Should Include A Small Business Blog

Why Your Marketing Plan Should Include A Small Business Blog

A small business blog is an excellent way for a company to effectively market their product or service without investing a lot of money. There are countless benefits of blogging. Companies that blog can introduce their products or services to consumers and better communicate with their customers. Also, businesses that blog can understand what their…

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